31 Mar


Everyone LOVES payday! Especially, if there is a shoe sale going on somewhere within a 20 mile radius.  Well, for the girlfriends anyway! Many women get that same “rush” on payback day. What is payback day?  That is the day when you get to act like a “junkyard dog!”

Has your husband ever done something that got you so FURIOUS? You have decided that when you are through with him, he will never mess with you again. You start to contemplate EVIL. The apostle Paul has a word from God for all us “out of control” wives. 1Pet. 3:9  “Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.” In this verse, Paul is talking to married people with DESTRUCTIVE actions in progress. The Greek words actually mean “Stop it!  Don’t do it anymore!  You should never do this!”

The word “evil” projects the ideas of INSULT, INJURY, HURT, and DAMAGE. This would be a spouse that considers herself mishandled, violated, defiled, or humiliated.

I’m not going to tell you that no marriage is PERFECT! But, NO marriage is perfect! Luke 17:1 “Then said He unto his disciples, it is impossible that offenses will come…” This is our warning that we, definitely will be offended by our spouses at some time or another. God is trying to give us INSIGHT here. He knows that satan will use bait as an opportunity to draw us into a pit of unforgiveness.

So how am I suppose to act when I am violated?? 1Pet.3:8  “Finally, be ye all of ONE MIND, having COMPASSION one of another, LOVE as brethren, be PITIFUL, be COURTEOUS.” This is a list of FIVE ATTITUDES desirable in Christian marriages.

First, spouses should be united in a common outlook and with common interests.

Second, spouses should have compassion, which basically means “suffering together.”

Third, spouses should love each other as brothers in the family of God.

Fourth, spouses should be tenderhearted or affectionately sensitive.

Fifth, spouses should be courteous or humble-minded. A right word from you can TURN YOUR WHOLE MARRIAGE AROUND.

Do you really want to attack and tear down your spouse? If you let the Holy Spirit have His way in your life, you will speak BLESSINGS over your spouse.

Your words will become the very FORCE that will turn your marriage around. DON’T, DON’T, DON’T ever participate in PAYBACK DAY! NOTE:

Daily there is a new post to help your marriage succeed.

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