30 Mar


For women who conceive very easily, it is very hard for them to understand the plight of a woman who is involuntarily childless.

I will cover some statistics from different sources.  Most will come from a chapter in the book called, “Woman: A formula for victorious living” by Lu Ann Bransby.

Nearly 1 out of every 6 couples in the U.S. suffer the anguish of being childless.  For millions it’s a physical problem or hormonal.  About two-thirds of infertility cases can be REVERSED through new medical techniques.

It’s the husband who turns out to have the physical problem in up to 40% of all infertile couples.  Some men have a severe reaction because he falsely believes he is not a complete man since his masculinity is involved.

Infertile couples can pursue other alternatives knowing that God will BLESS every effort they undertake in His name. Many couples clam up about their situation but this is the time that they need to receive from other Christians.  Women should not feel they are a disappointment to their husbands.

Couples who put all their faith and trust in God find their relationship strengthened.  Their situation brings them even closer together.

Some couples become consumed with their infertility.  Their longing for a child swallows up the joy in their lives.  Being childless is not the end of life, health or happiness.

Infertility is NEVER hopeless.  Eph.1:11-12 “In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.”

Those words remind us that everything is in conformity with God’s purpose and will, even infertility.

A couple’s infertility will somehow serve God’s purpose and bring GLORY to the Savior’s name.

What do infertile couples do?

Being childless can be met head-on by Christian couples in exactly the same way that they might address any other challenge in life.

Call on God in PRAYER.  Phil.4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Prayer can help infertile couples to deal with insensitive people.  Prayer reminds Christians that God holds all of us in the palm of his hand.

It isn’t wrong for a childless couple to long for a child.  Jesus promises, “Everything is possible for him who believes” Mark 9:23

They can be happy also knowing  that God has a PLAN for their lives as well.

Contentment with your path in life is always God-pleasing.

A barren womb is never God’s fault!

God wants women to have children. Psa.113:9 “He (God) makes the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children.”

The Lord promises BLESSINGS on all who reverence, trust, and obey Him!  Psa.128:2-6 “Their reward shall be prosperity and happiness.  Your wife shall be contented in your home.  And look at all those children! There they sit around the dinner table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees.  That is God’s reward to those who reverence and trust him.  May the Lord continually bless you with heaven’s blessings as well as human joy. May you live to enjoy your grandchildren!”

What barren women should do.

1.  Pray consistently for God to heal you or your husband’s body.

2.  Constantly read the scriptures.

3.  Take complete inventory of your lives.

4.  Make sure there are no signs of unforgiveness in your heart, past or present. (Lk.6:27-38)

5.  Make sure you do not have a judgmental spirit. (Lk.6:37)

6.  Ask God to direct your path daily.  (Pr.3:5-7)

7.  Do not blame God for your condition.  (Dan. 9:9)

8.  Do not blame your husband for your infertility.  (Mat.7:3-5)

9.  Do not rob God of His rightful share of your money.  (Mal. 3:8-10)

10.  Make sure there is no form of occult activity in your life.  (Mat.6:24)

11.  You should fast.  (Mat.6:16-18)

12.  Cast all fear out of your life.  (2Tim.1:7)

13.  Don’t read anything the secular world has against Gods teachings. (Matt.6:22-23)

14.  Let God be your strength and power.  (2Chron.16:9)

15.  Get rid of sin in your life.

16.  You must yield yourself completely to God.  (Rom.6:12)

17.  Trust God completely.  (Col.4:12)

18.  Obey God completely.

19.  Put all bitterness aside.

20.  Be patient.  (Jas.1:17)

21.  Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.  (Jas.1:19-22)

22.  Take authority over Satan.  (Mk.8:33)

23.  Have complete faith and do not doubt.  (Mk.11:22-23)

24.  Put on the whole armor of God.  (Eph.6:11-15


NOTE:  Daily there is a new post to help your marriage succeed.

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