3 Jun


Suffering is the greatest challenge to the Christian faith.

I have wives come up to me concerning their marriage.  Many of them feel that their suffering is unavoidable and unfair.

Here is a list of three different types of suffering:

First, there is global suffering (earthquakes, famine, etc.).

Second, there is community suffering (plane crashes, ship sinking, etc.).

Third, suffering as an individual which does affect those around us (death, poverty).

Suffering is a problem for Judeo-Christian tradition because we believe that God is good and all-powerful.

Gods original plan was that there would be no suffering but it enter the world when Adam and Eve sinned.

Why did God allow sin to enter the world?

God wanted us to have free will to love.

Without you being able to choose, then love is forced without real choice.

You had a choice as to who you would marry.

You don’t have a choice on your parents or siblings, nor people in your school or workplace.

You don’t even get a choice on the sex of your children or their personalities.

So often the repercussions we suffer are a result of our own sin.

There are physical laws of nature; if you put your hand in fire, you get burned.

There are moral laws; if you take drugs, you suffer the consequences.

Are you selfish, greedy, lustful, arrogant or bad tempered?

If you are, this will lead to a broken marriage relationship and unhappiness.

On a global scale, the biblical flood is an example of God judging sin in this life.

Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of a community disaster.

In John 9:1-3, Jesus expresses how suffering is not automatically linked to a sin.

In Luke 13:1-5, Jesus points out that a natural disaster is also not always a form of punishment from God.

God works through suffering

1.  Suffering is used by God to draw us to Christ.

It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.

If you are rebellious in your marriage, God could use a megaphone as an instrument of pain to draw you to Him.

2.  God uses suffering to bring us to Christian maturity.

Jesus learned obedience from what he suffered (Heb.12:10).

God uses suffering to build our character.

God also uses suffering to make our lives more fruitful.

Great triumphs in your marriage can only come after great trials.

3.  God often uses suffering to bring his good purposes. (Rom.8:28)

Joseph suffered rejection, imprisonment, trials, and temptations.

The blessings of God in your marriage will far outweigh the suffering (Rom.8:18; 2Cor.4:17).

4.  God is a God who suffers along side of us.

He became one of us; he suffered in all the ways in which we suffer (2Cor.5:19).

When we suffer, He suffers.

How do we respond to suffering?

Questions you need to ask yourself are:

1.  “Is this suffering a result of my own sin?”

Ask God to reveal any specific sin then repent and ask for God’s forgiveness and cleansing.

2.  “What are you saying to me through this?”

There may be some particular lesson God is trying to teach you about your marriage.

3.  “What do you want me to do?”

4.   We need to hold on to our hope.

Remember that battles do not last forever and there is usually a blessing around the corner.

Life is full of battles and blessings running side by side.

Keep your eyes fixed on him  (Heb.12:2).

Jesus fought against suffering wherever he came across it.

  • Fed the hungry
  • Healed the sick
  • Raised the dead

We are called to follow in Jesus’ steps.

The devil always tries to make you suffer in your marriage.

You need to kick back with an iron boot!

There are tremendous blessings being poured out into your life right now.

Does God need to get out His megaphone or are you listening?

Whatever you are going through, God is going through it with you.

You have a partner!!

NOTE:  Most of the information was taken from a booklet called “Why does God allow suffering” by Nicky Gumbel.

NOTE:  Don’t miss tomorrows post.  Daily there is a new post.


  1. oluwatosin June 4, 2014 at 7:57 am #

    Trust me, have had a great share of pain and suffering in my marriage for the past 4yrs,bt one thing,I learnt is dis,comin frm a xtian background,and geti married to someone who isn’t close to God bt a xtian too.the marriage is an eye opener to c God @ work, God has use dis marriage to draw me so close to him and know how to use the word of God,be it,now,my husband,is treading on line of being closer to God as he prays in d night and tell me to put sumtins in prayer for him,all I pray for is that d holyspirit will totally take control of his heart and open his eyes to know God the more. Cos it was tru this suffering he sought God and I, always making it clear to him that,we can only get tru dis with us relyin solely on God witout any other means.thks nancy!

    • nancysalazar June 5, 2014 at 7:38 am #

      Hi Oluwatosin! Thanks so much for your honest comment. So glad you shared your awesome testimony of victory! Keep fighting the “good fight.”


  1. How God Uses Suffering – Marriage Message #280 : Marriage Missions International - November 30, 2013


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