29 Nov


Safeguard your mind against every mental assault of the devil that can destroy your marriage.

In Ephesians the Apostle Paul tells us that at salvation you are given this kind of safeguard.

“…And take the helmet of salvation…” Eph.6:17

A Roman soldier who lost his helmet was in danger of head injuries that would cause him to be disoriented, or death.

A Christian who is unsure of their salvation can’t be bold in resisting Satan.

CASE AND POINT:  Motorcyclists have a risk of a fatal crash 35 times greater than a passenger car.  A head injury is the leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents.  An unhelmetted motorcyclist is 40% more likely to incur a fatal head injury.  Shortly after I met my husband, his 21 year old cousin was instantly killed in a traffic accident.  He was DUI when he hit a sign on the turnoff lane.  Unfortunately, he hit the sign after crashing with his head.  In the 60’s there were no law on helmet wearing.  If his cousin had worn a helmet, he would be alive because nothing else on his body was affected.  This is just a story, but to my husband’s family, many family members never emotionally recovered.  Helmet laws are saving lives.

The helmet of salvation protects our mind from doubt and discouragement including our marriage.

Paul knew that doubting your security in Christ would render you ineffective in spiritual warfare.

People do suffer from doubt and discouragement

The devil lies to us about our salvation and he used everyday experiences to do it.

  • You sure are giving a lot into your marriage and getting very little back.  Where is your God?
  • You are doing everything you can as a spouse to hold to high standards, but you just lost your job.  Why isn’t God helping?
  • You read your word everyday but your spouse hasn’t changed?  What is God waiting for?
  • You’ve been going to church for years, and look at your kids.  What’s God doing in your life?  I thought he loved you?

When we are discouraged is when we are the most vulnerable.

Discouragement is a lethal weapon in the hands of the enemy.

Often when a runner is on the “home stretch” of a race, suddenly his body refuses to go any further.

Keeping your mind on the goal is what will get you across the “finish line.”

Don’t conform to the evil world.

Many times in marriage, we take our helmets off and start to verbally attack our spouse.

PAST: Salvation means God has rescued you from the penalty of sin;

PRESENT: He is rescuing you from the power of sin; and

FUTURE: He will rescue you from the presence of sin.

God commands you to put on the helmet of salvation to protect you on how you think as worldly thoughts bombard you daily.

Fall in love with Jesus!

Partner with the Holy Spirit!!!!

You can’t be in better hands!!!

NOTE:  Daily there is a new post to help your marriage succeed.

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