2 Apr


We can talk as spiritual as we want, but if God wants to know what our priorities are, all he has to do is peek in our checkbooks.

Our checkbook has a “blabber mouth”!!

Finances are one of the number one causes of DIVORCE.

God knows this and that is why 10% of the bible is about money.

The bible contains more verses on money than any other subject including prayer.

There are verses on lending, borrowing, saving, selling, buying and contentment on a godly life.

It is vital concern to God that you know how to EARN and MANAGE your own money or you will end up in the devils trap.

In handling money, Jesus talked about money in 16 out of 38 parables.

All money belongs to God.  Haggai 2:8 “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the Lord of Hosts.”

Ok girls, here we go!!  Stay with me!!

I didn’t say that the silver and gold belongs to God, HE DID!!

If, the silver and gold belongs to the Lord, why are you fighting with your spouse over it?

Money should never be allowed to divide you and your spouse.  Psa.9:10 “And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.”

You and your husband will never totally agree on how the money should be spent.   So what do you do??

Agree to disagree, lay your concerns on the table, and ask the Holy Spirit to intervene.

This needs to end on a WIN-WIN!

Not just end with you getting your way, but both of you giving and getting.

Your spouse is not in KINDERGARTEN and you are not his mother.

He has a mother so QUIT acting like one.

Remember girlfriend, we have talked about this, HE WORKS HARD!!



You do!! Let’s peek in that checkbook!

They say wives buy a lot of little things.  Men buy one big thing.

CASE AND POINT:  I know a wife that would not let her husband purchase an investment that he wanted.  She told me he was nuts to spend that extra money.  I told her that it wasn’t silly to him and I actually thought it was a pretty good investment.  She said NO!!  Today they are not together.

In my experience, if a wife won’t let her spouse enjoy his earnings every now and then, what else does she control?

A very spooky thought.

Wives many times are better at being frugal.  Your husband doesn’t care about after he is dead and your second husband having enough spending money.


Wives financial beatitudes

  1. Blessed is the wife who is debt free—for she is truly free.
  1. Blessed is the wife that seeks godly counsel—for she shall receive wisdom.
  1. Blessed is the wife who works as unto the Lord—for she shall stand before kings.
  1. Blessed is the wife of integrity—for she shall have a clear conscience.
  1. Blessed is the wife who tithes, saves and shares—for she shall be able to provide for her family.
  1. Blessed is the wife who shares mercifully—for she shall receive money.
  1. Blessed is the wife who budgets—for she shall have enough at the end of the month.
  1. Blessed is the wife who is a good and faithful steward—for she shall be content in every circumstance.

(Note:  The beattitudes above was tweaked and parts taken from a book called “Woman-a formula for victorious living)

Eccles. 5:10-11 (LB) “He who loves money shall never have enough.  The foolishness of thinking that wealth brings happiness!  The more you have the more you spend, right up to the limits of your income…”


NOTE:  Daily there is a new post to help your marriage be a success.

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